Parece que esta semana vai ser, finalmente, o inicio oficial do Verão. As temperaturas vão subir, a semana está repleta de feriados e já apetece muito viver o Verão.
Qualquer que seja o vosso destino - praia, campo, cidade - há sempre bons programas e bons spots para aproveitar estes maravilhosos dias de feriados, férias e calor.
Inspirem-se nos looks para cada destino.
looks created on polyvore
It seems that this week will finally be the official start of summer [in Portugal]. Temperatures will rise, the week has lots of holidays and the summer mood are here.
Whatever your destination - beach, country, city - there's always good programs and very nice spots to enjoy these wonderful days of holidays, vacations and heat.
Be inspired by this looks to each destination.
Whatever your destination - beach, country, city - there's always good programs and very nice spots to enjoy these wonderful days of holidays, vacations and heat.
Be inspired by this looks to each destination.
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